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Essential Property & Retail Software Inc.

Property, Lease Administration, Facilities, Asset and Retail Intelligence Software since 1994


Contract Management Module

Essentials Contract Management Module provides a tool for managing and linking your contracts. Typically retailers have many contracts covering a wide range of formal relationships with suppliers of both goods and services.

Development Contracts.

Manage and control contracts with your developers, general contractors and similar large contracts.

Professional Services such as Doctors, Dentists etc.

If you are a retailer of professional services, this module helps you to manage your relationships with the individuals/entities that supply those services.

Equipment Leasing.

Whether you use third party or in house finance providers, this module helps you to track and manage your leases.

Mortgages and Loans.

If you provide financing to (eg) franchisees this module helps you to track your assets, charge interest and manage the asset.

Franchise Agreements.

There is a separate module for managing franchisees but this module helps you manage the actual franchise agreement.

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